A: The oneway distance between Tirupati to Kurnool is 346 Kms.
A: It takes 6 hours 44 mins to travel to Kurnool from Tirupati.
A: You can travel to Vellore, Chennai, Vijayawada, Anantapur, Hyderabad, Mahabalipuram, Bengaluru, Banglore, Puducherry, Kolhapur, Goa, Ooty, Kakinada, Shirdi, Tiruchirappalli, Coimbatore, Mysore, Mumbai, Hosur, Hubli, by cab from Tirupati.
A: For Kurnool people book taxi from Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam, Vijayawada, etc.
A: Most of people hire Tirupati to Kurnool Cab for visiting these sightseeing place in Kurnool like Mantralayam, Yaganti Temple, Kurnool Fort, Rollapadu Wildlife Sanctuary, etc.
A: HireMeCar offers a wide range of fleets at unmatched Tirupati to Kurnool taxi fare with courteous chauffeurs/Drivers. The fleet options are:Vehicle Type Model AC Sedan Maruti Suzuki - Swift Dzire AC SUV Toyota - Innova AC MPV Toyota - Innova Crysta
Kurnool is a city in the former princely state of Andhra Pradesh. It is one of the oldest in the state and is the best place to visit if you are looking to learn about the history of Andhra Pradesh. The easiest way to experience the entire city at once is by booking cabs in Kurnool.