A: The oneway distance between Darjeeling to Durgapur is 537 Kms.
A: It takes 13 hours 37 mins to travel to Durgapur from Darjeeling.
A: You can travel to Gangtok, Kolkata, Siliguri, Gaya, Guwahati, Varanasi, Gorakhpur, Patna, Cherrrapunjee, Ranchi, Gangasagar, Allahabad, Bilaspur, Jamshedpur, Shillong, Sundarban, by cab from Darjeeling.
A: For Durgapur people book taxi from Kolkata, Siliguri, etc.
A: Most of people hire Darjeeling to Durgapur Cab for visiting these sightseeing place in Durgapur like Durgapur Barrage, Anand Amusement Park, Junction Mall, Deul Park, etc.
A: HireMeCar offers a wide range of fleets at unmatched Darjeeling to Durgapur taxi fare with courteous chauffeurs/Drivers. The fleet options are:Vehicle Type Model AC Hatchback Tata - Indica Vista AC Sedan Maruti Suzuki - Swift Dzire AC SUV Toyota - Innova
Known as the steel city of eastern India, Durgapur is one of the most recognized tourist destinations in West Bengal. Book a taxi in Durgapur to see the giant steel plants, lush green parks, and ancient temples.